
The University's primary concern is the safety of its campus community members.

The use of 酒精 or drugs never makes a person at fault for sexual violence. 此外, members of the CSUF community should not be deterred from reporting incidents of sexual violence out of a concern that they might be disciplined for related violations of drug, 酒精, 或其他大学政策.  No complainant or witness in related investigations or proceedings will be subject to disciplinary sanctions by the University for related violations of conduct policies occurring at or near the time of the incident unless the University determines the violation was egregious, 包括但不限于抄袭, 作弊, academic dishonesty or conduct that places the health and safety of any other person at risk.


对于那些经历过性别歧视的人, 性骚扰, 不正当的性行为, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪和/或相关报复, 有几个可用的报告选项.  Depending on the nature of the incident, some many choose to report to multiple entities.


您可以向校园第九条协调员报告, who will provide you with written and verbal information regarding applicable University complaint procedures for investigating and addressing the incident(s). The Title IX Coordinator will also provide you with information regarding resources available to you, 以及关于你的权利和选择的信息. Contact information for the Title IX Coordinator is listed above.

The Campus Title IX Coordinator will also discuss with you any reasonable Supportive Measures the University may offer prior to conclusion of an investigation or potential disciplinary action to reduce or eliminate negative impact on you and provide you with available assistance. 例子包括:调整工作分配, course schedules or supervisory reporting relationship; requiring the Respondent to move from University-owned or affiliated housing; immediately prohibiting the Respondent from coming to the University; or prohibiting the Respondent from contacting the parties involved in the reported incident. These options may be available to you whether or not you choose to report the incident to Campus police or law enforcement. The Title IX Coordinator remains available to assist you and provide you with reasonable remedies requested by you throughout the reporting, 调查, 以及纪律程序, 之后,.

如果确定违反了大学的政策, 答辩人将受到纪律处分, up to and including dismissal from University employment or expulsion from the University. You are entitled to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of your choice, 包括保密律师或家庭暴力顾问. 然而, if you do not wish to participate in an investigation or hearing process, 你有权拒绝这样做.

尽可能地, information reported to the Title IX Coordinator or other University employee will be shared only with individuals responsible for handling the University’s response to the incident. The University will protect the privacy of individuals involved except as otherwise required by law or University policy. A report may result in the gathering of extremely sensitive information about you and other individuals in the campus community. 虽然这些信息被认为是机密的, University policy regarding access to public records and disclosure of personal information may require disclosure of certain information concerning a reported incident. 在这种情况下, 我们将努力修改这些记录, 适当的, in order to protect your identity and privacy and the privacy of other involved individuals. 


Reporting to University Police and/or local law enforcement is an option at any time. If you choose not to report to the police immediately following an incident, 你可以稍后再做报告. 然而, 随着时间的流逝, the ability to gather evidence to assist with criminal prosecution may be limited. 视情况而定, the police may be able to obtain a criminal restraining order on your behalf.


你可以选择向医生寻求建议和帮助, 心理咨询师, 专业咨询师, 神职人员, 性侵犯和家庭暴力顾问和倡导者, 包括为他们工作或做志愿者的个人.


你可以选择对被告提起民事诉讼, 是否已经提起刑事指控. A civil lawsuit provides you the opportunity to recover actual damages, 其中可能包括医疗费用的补偿, 工资损失, 疼痛, 痛苦, 以及情绪困扰.

You may also choose to obtain a protective or restraining order (such as a 家庭暴力 restraining order or a civil harassment restraining order). Restraining orders must be obtained from a court in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. Restraining orders can protect victims who have experienced or are reasonably in fear of physical violence, 不正当的性行为, 约会或家庭暴力, 或跟踪. University Police and your Campus Title IX Coordinator can offer assistance with obtaining a protective or restraining order.


访问机密报告页面 for detailed information about options for reporting confidentially.


You are strongly encouraged to report any incidents to the police and/or Campus Title IX Coordinator so that steps may be taken to protect you and the rest of the campus community. 然而,不报告也是一种选择.